Ongoing Resources

The road goes on forever

While this site has *most* of the foundational knowledge that you’ll need to get started in crypto and be successful long term, there is an ever expanding torrent of information, updates, and new developments by the day… and sometimes by the hour…

If you’re overwhelmed by all the information, it’s ok… SO ARE ALL THE REST OF US. 😅 

You don’t need to keep up with everything, in fact, you can’t. What you need are filtering mechanisms to help you stay apprised of the most important developments, while filtering out the nonsense. Fortunately, there are plenty of wonderful sources to help you stay informed, and help you continue your education, without accompanying nonsense. 

P.S. I have no affiliation with any of the resources here, I’m just a fan 🙂


Tips to keep your sanity: 

1) Focus on what doesn’t change, and what fundamental concepts will apply to everything

2) Especially when you’re getting started, don’t try to research every word you don’t know. You’ll drive yourself crazy googling literally every other word. Just try to get the gist of the conversation, and wait until you’ve heard a new term or concept a few times before researching it. This practice will help you filter out a ton of less important words and ideas, and help you prioritize concepts and ideas that are more frequently being used. 

3) Consider the source! Occasionally an idiot will say something valuable, but it’s rare… Find voices that are knowledgeable, trustworthy, and in this for the long run with a reputation to protect

Macro Background Videos

Economic Macro: Raoul Pal's Introduction to the Exponential Age

I'll talk more about Raoul & Real Vision below, but this does a great job of explaining the macroeconomic picture behind the tech.


Technical Macro: Charles Hoskinson's Whiteboard Session

This was the original vision for Cardano laid out in 2017, but it also does a great job covering the narrative behind the 3 Waves of Crypto, and where the space is going.

My Favorite 3 Ongoing Resources

1) Real Vision: The smartest people in economics and investing discussing their views on the macro landscape, and this is easily the highest quality financial content in the world in my opinion. It’s not strictly crypto, but they have great crypto resources. Topics can get very advanced, so pick and choose what is interesting and helpful to you. 

Small caveat: Raoul and the team are brilliant macro investors, but are not really technologists. So, the deepest Raoul and the team will really go into Web3 from an investment standpoint is basically Ethereum, with a basket of 3rd Gen projects. If you want more exposure to Wave 3 cryptos, the next resources are for you. 

2) Coin Bureau: One of the best crypto education resources on the internet. This is one of my favorite sources for weekly updates, and probably the single best place on the internet for quick overviews of individual crypto projects and concepts. I.E. I’ve only got 20 minutes… What is Cardano and how does it work? What is Polkadot? Etc.

Small caveat: I’d advocate a different approach to portfolio management than the frequent rebalancing that their team typically does, along with a different portfolio structure, but that’s just my personal preference. I’ve detailed my philosophy in the Portfolio Management section. Other than that, Guy is a hero of an educator, and a big asset to the community!

3) Messari: This is one of the best research firms in crypto, and led by a true Crypto OG, Ryan Selkis. If he ends up really running for office like he’s mentioned… vote for him!  

Messari is great for both news, and sector overviews and deep dives. I.E. What does the Layer 1 ecosystem look like by adoption & market share? What platforms have the most activity and funds locked in DeFi? etc. There is a free newsletter available, and a $30/month subscription that is very worth it! 

Small caveat: While this is always disclosed in the top of the article, some of the deep dives on certain projects are now sponsored by the projects themselves (this is happening a lot more lately). Just something to keep in mind when doing project-specific research!

Great additional ongoing resources: 

The Defiant

Uncomplication: Bonus points here, since I think Ryan is a very genuine person, with a very honest and sober outlook on crypto, markets, and investing. He was also one of the first people to highlight the Wyckoff Manipulation events that took place in early 2021.

Lots of great Reddit communities for specific project updates, like Cardano’s

Worth reading: 

The Case for $500k Bitcoin - by the Winklevoss Twins

Anything Cathy Wood or the ARK team publishes

Deep Knowledge: 

Blockchain & Money MIT Course (Taught by the now SEC Chair, Gary Gensler)

Economic & Big Picture Books: 

The Fourth Turning: Highly recommended if you want to understand why our collective behavior is changing, why the future will not be like the past, and how these ~80-100 year long generational cycles play out historically. 

Ray Dalio: Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises (free)

Ray Dalio: The Changing World Order (being released chapter by chapter free on LinkedIn)

Confessions of an Economic Hitman, or at least this interview. If you’re an American wondering why so many developing nations, especially LATAM, are interested in rolling the dice and embracing Bitcoin or other decentralized platforms for their financial infrastructure, this is the book for you. As usual, things are not what they seem, and if the system is so rigged against those in the US… how much worse do you think it is for developing nations?

Philosophy & A Few Personal Favorite Books: 

The books below have helped my personal investment career just as much, and in some cases more than the actual knowledge of crypto and markets. They’ve also changed my life in much more meaningful ways, and helped me learn lessons and truths that are far more valuable than money. I’d highly recommend them to anyone who considers themself a seeker.

The Surrender Experiment - Michael A. Singer

The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are - Alan Watts

Be Here Now - Ram Dass

The Obstacle is the Way - Ryan Holiday

The Untethered Soul: A Journey Beyond Yourself - Michael A. Singer

The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

Zen Mind, Beginners Mind - Shunryu Suzuki

Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu

The Dip - Seth Godin

That’s it! You’ve reached the end of Section 4 and are ready to embark on your own learning journey in crypto.

I’ll make periodic updates here, and discuss regular updates in the Newsletter if you’re signed up.

In the meantime, feel free to drop me a note with your feedback (or just say hello!), and be sure to sign up for the Clarity Newsletter for future updates if you haven’t already!