Clarity in Crypto

A Guide to Crypto, Investing, and Financial Freedom




Disclaimer: This guide was written/published back around 2020-2021. While the backdrop & fundamentals remain essentially the same, some content may be out of date relative to the latest developments, and my own personal approaches have evolved as well. Please always DYOR and never stop learning!

*Nothing on this site is financial advice. It is simply education, to help you make more informed decisions.*

Embracing The New World

The world is changing rapidly, and digital assets (i.e. crypto) are evolving even faster, in fact, faster than any technology in all recorded history. These new technologies, based on Blockchain, are the backbone of Web 3.0, the next evolution of the internet.

While Bitcoin is certainly important to the story, this is far bigger than the Bitcoin narrative. Bitcoin is to Web 3.0 what email was to the internet. It’s important, but it’s just the beginning. The people who were still arguing about email vs fax machines in 1995, had completely missed the point of the internet.

The people who are still arguing about Bitcoin today, are completely missing the point of Web 3.0.

This is about a new internet, and new platforms to run our world in a more transparent, efficient, and sustainable way. While this opportunity is certainly not without risks, these technologies have put us on the cusp of what will likely be the greatest wealth transfer in human history over the coming decade, second only to the wealth transfer that the internet itself caused in the 1990s and 2000s. 

Much like the narratives of either fear or mania around the early internet, the loudest voices typically dominate the headlines today, with often absurdly inaccurate narratives. These voices cause real world harm to people and obscure what could be a life changing opportunity for anyone who sees what is truly being built.

This site is meant to be a quiet voice of clarity in the chaos, a resource to help people understand what is really happening, and to separate the hype from what is true.

The truth matters, and once you see it for yourself, there is no going back.

Getting Started

If you’re new to the crypto space, the word overwhelming is an understatement. The good news is, anyone can learn enough to participate in this new world. As in most things, the fundamental trends don’t change often, and being big on the basics will get you the farthest.

This site is designed to be a crash course, to take you step by step through four core sections, covering crypto, markets, investing, and more.

If you’re new to this world, please go in order and don’t skip anything! 🤓

Understanding Markets

You can’t be successful in crypto without understanding a little about the legacy world that crypto is disrupting, or about the many financial predators and market manipulators trying to scare you into selling your crypto at a loss once you purchase it. Crypto is volatile for a reason!

The shadowy forces behind the scenes only have power over you if you’re in the dark…

So let’s shine some damn light on them. 🙂

Taking Action

Once you’ve gotten comfortable with where things are going, and want to participate, it’s time to take action.

We’ll learn how to analyze crypto projects, build a crypto portfolio, manage that portfolio, and safely custody our funds.

Continuing the Journey

While the first three sections cover most of the core knowledge you’ll need to be successful in crypto, it’s a massive world out there, and learning never stops! 

Section 4 is dedicated to exploring deeper topics and more complex ideas (I’ll add new pages here from time to time).

This section also includes Ongoing Resources to further your education, by providing you with a curated list of resources, sites and channels for ongoing updates & research.